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我们提供全面整合的设施解决方案,以确保跨市场资本项目的执行, 为私营和公共部门提供本地服务和全球服务.
With broad-based expertise across disciplines, 我们是性能驱动型设施的无与伦比的来源, from concept to ribbon-cutting.
With a broad range of in-house engineering expertise, 我们可以优化您当前的运营或将您的新项目从概念到完成, providing unrivaled service and results.
Born in 1938, Preston H. 澳门足彩app III moved to Jacksonville, Florida, in 1962, 刚从普林斯顿大学获得土木工程学士学位, subsequently, a master’s degree in Business Administration from Harvard. For the next three years, he worked for the S.S. Jacobs Company, a leading construction contractor, 从项目主管到项目经理再到副总裁.
甚至在来到杰克逊维尔之前,哈斯克尔就打算最终创办自己的企业. In 1964, 抵押贷款银行家和住宅公寓开发商吉姆·温斯顿(Jim Winston)合作,在大西洋海滩酒店(Atlantic Beach Hotel)之前的海滨地块上建造公寓. 澳门足彩app had become acquainted with Winston and, in seeking the job for the Jacobs Company, 发现温斯顿的合伙人和雅各布斯之间的冲突会阻止后者赢得生意. 哈斯克尔提议创办自己的公司,承担建筑合同. Winston agreed, and in October 1965, the Preston H. 澳门足彩app Company was founded. “He had a budget, I remember, of $10 a square foot, 在今天,这相当于每平方英尺100美元或更多,” 澳门足彩app recalled. “他有100套公寓,每套大约有1000平方英尺(约合1000平方米). So, it was a $1 million project. By golly, the final bill was for $1 million.”
After three residential projects, 哈斯克尔转向了更复杂、更有利可图的商业和工业市场. 1967年,哈斯克尔的一位大学同学成为该公司的第一个工业客户. Eric Henderson had taken over his family’s business, Covington Industries, 打算在阿拉巴马州南部建一家新的服装制造厂, which 澳门足彩app bid and won.
对于科文顿工业公司53,160平方英尺的建筑,哈斯克尔设计了电气元件. John Cook, 他是雅各布斯公司的前同事,后来回到杰克逊维尔加入哈斯克尔, designed the HVAC. Architect Emilio Zeller designed the building. Preston 澳门足彩app managed the construction, while Bert Sheffy, an early employee, was the superintendent. 这是一个真正的设计-建造的表现,整个项目来自同一家公司. “What it taught me,” 澳门足彩app said, “along with several similar experiences, 是我们变得更灵活、更聪明、更快,能够设计出更高的效率吗.”
Covington Industries的工作是进入一个不同市场的突破,也验证了澳门足彩app对设计-建造项目交付的确定性以及他的公司执行它的能力. 在澳门足彩app模式下运营的设计-建造承包商可以为业主提供超越设计和施工复杂性的价值. 它还可以作为一个单一的联系点——和对项目所有者负责的单一方——在预算方面提供确定的结果, schedule and performance. Preston 澳门足彩app是设计-构建交付方法的早期支持者,并成为该方法的主要传播者, 这一项目目前占美国所有建筑支出的40%以上.S.
Design-build was just the start. 澳门足彩app进一步创新,成为倾斜施工实践的先驱. The company designed, 由于其开创性的永久工艺员工(PCE)计划,该公司设计并日益完善了自己在现场建造的能力. Self-performing construction brought more of the process under the company’s control, 增加了人们对它能够按时按预算交付项目的信心. 它发展并获得了专业知识,扩大了它的能力,包括 process and packaging systems, material handling and advanced manufacturing. It expanded to offices around the globe. 它继续一贯强调开发和投资最先进的交付方法.
Today’s 澳门足彩app is a diversified Architecture, 工程和建筑(AEC)公司的广度和深度,每年为我们的客户在十几个独特的市场提供超过10亿美元的服务. Our worldwide team offers an unmatched depth of expertise, 利用近700名建筑师和工程师在20多个设计学科. Paired with world-class constructors and in-house capabilities, such as our 澳门足彩app Steel shop, 澳门足彩app提供从设计-建造到交钥匙EPC的各种首选交付方式的完整AEC服务.
As it has for more than five decades, 澳门足彩app不断成长和创新,以解决客户的挑战, both large and small.
As it undertook the first project in its history, a 100-unit apartment complex in Atlantic Beach, Florida, the Preston...
健全的风险管理对大型建设项目至关重要,对其成功至关重要. Capital expenditure...
In 1976, 澳门足彩app established its Permanent Craft Employee (PCE) program, extending full-time employment and company...
当来自各行各业的社区成员参与教育过程时,学生受益. But that same broad...
111 Riverside Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32202
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